Amar Jyotischool is a small school in the rural foothills of Himalayas. It is located in Doiwala Dehradun in the state of Uttarakhand.  It is 25 Km from Rishikesh, 20 km from Haridwar. It was founded in 2002 to provide free education for children from the slums in this area.

According to the founder of Amar Jyoti School,the school was started 19 years ago with only 4 children. Currently there are 105 children aged 3 to 14 years old. They live in poor conditions, some under the tents with no water or electricity. Majority of parents work in the fields as laborers or farm workers. The socio economic conditions are poor for these children. The girls are married at young age. Children are sent to work to fetch money for the family or even graze cattle. Parents themselves are not educated and some have significant alcohol/substance abuse problems.

It was thought that education and skills development will be needed to provide a better future to these young beautiful, innocent children. With this mission in mind the school’s foundation was laid 19 years ago.