School Activities

We feel that to accomplish our goals, the children need to be adequately nourished, physically fit and motivated.  The activities have been designed in keeping with our mission and goals.  Our BENEFICIARIES include

Children from low income and families below poverty line

Children with limited access to a formal school.

Children from other weaker sections of society.

Formal Education:

Certified teachers who have undertaken a Herculean task of educating these children provide formal education. The teachers travel a distance for a meager salary.  We appreciate their effort and welcome new contributors. More teachers are needed.

Children learn a great deal from online learning .

It is supplemented by teachers available and distant education .

Vocational education

            Children are taught various vocations activities like:

            -Animal husbandry and Agriculture including

            Dairy farming

            Functioning of Gobar gas plant .

             Vegetable garden .


            -Healthy lifestyle development

             Health education and learning basic skills.

Nutritional support

Mid day meals-This is fully voluntary without any governmental support. Our aim is to provide about 20% of daily calorie needs for 6 days a week. The children eat their meals while at the school. The meals may be cooked or dry.

Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene is very important in the population we serve. Arrangements have been made to provide hot water during winters so that children can take a bath daily.  Solar water heaters have been installed. Our next task now is to provide two separate shower rooms (one for boys and other for girls).  Volunteer donations are welcome to accomplish this task.

Health promotion

            Annual Health checks up.

            Vision screening

            Auditory screening

School sports

            Children love sports activities. It is essential for their development. Children at school like to play



            Carom board

            Table tennis

            School has a swimming pool that is operational on few days of summer.

 To provide the complete protection and homely environment , School involve to construct the shelter / hostel for poor/Girls/disabled child to protect them , provide free meal ,cloths etc.